
De Outro Sitio, 2023
Direction: Pedro Carmo e Pedro Marnoto

The Flying Shoelace, 2020
Direction: Pedro Carmo e Pedro Marnoto

Burguesinha, 2017
Direction: Nick Brokaw
Production: Dias Entertainment

Way, 2016
Direction: Pedro Carmo
Production: Tangible Matter

Menina, 2016
Direction: Simão Cayatte
Production: Bad Panda

If I Had a Piano, 2015
Direction: Stephanie Gardner

The Dry Rain, 2014
Direction: Guillem Gutierrez Saura

The Hunter, 2013
Direction: Ian Samplin

The Missing Third, 2012
Direction: Stephanie Gardner

Deste Lado da Ressurreição, 2011
Direction: Joaquim Sapinho
Production: Rosa Filmes

Mistérios de Lisboa, 2009
Direction: Raul Ruiz
Production: Clap Filmes

Segredos, 2009
Direction: José Maria Vaz Silva
Production: Clap Filmes

Procura-se Amigo, 2006
Direction: Vítor Moreira
Production: David & Golias

Naquele Bairro, 2002
Direction: Madalena Miranda
Production: LX Filmes

Portugal S.A., 2001
Direction: Ruy Guerra
Production: MGN Filmes

Crónica Feminina, 2001
Direction: Gonçalo Luz
Production: Luba Proud

O Décimo Punhal, 2001
Direction: Vítor Moreira
Production: Filmes do Tejo

António, Um Rapaz de Lisboa, 1999
Direction: Jorge Silva Melo
Production: AU


The Constitution, 2017
By Mickael de Oliveira
Staging: Jill DeArmon

Absolution, 2014
By Cristopher B. Latro
Staging: Anna Bamberger

Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 2013
By Richard Greenberg
Staging: Sean Mathias

The Island of No Tomorrows, 2012
By Fengar Gael
Staging: Lorca Peress

Butoh Electra, 2011
Creation and Staging by Jordan Rosin

O Peso das Razões, 2009
By Nuno Júdice
Staging: Jorge Silva Melo

God’s Ear, 2009
By Jenny Schwartz
Staging: Cristina Carvalhal

A Mãe, 2009
By Bertolt Brecht
Staging: Gonçalo Amorim

Onde Vamos Morar, 2008/09
By José Maria Vieira Mendes
Staging: Jorge Silva Melo

Entre o Dia e a Noite, 2008
By Adriana Aboim
Staging: Ana Lacerda

Shopping and Fucking, 2007/09
By Mark Ravenhill
Staging: Gonçalo Amorim

Fedra, 2007
By Jean Racine
Staging: Ana Tamen

A Erva Vermelha, 2006
By Boris Vian
Staging: Cristina Carvalhal

Homem-Legenda, 2005/06
Authorship and Staging by Pedro Gil

Os Justos, 2004
By Albert Camus
Staging: Jorge Andrade

A Valsa de Baltimore, 2004
By Paula Vogel
Staging: Fernanda Lapa

Xavier, 2004
Based on “Histórias Mínimas” by Javier Tomeo
Staging: Rute Rocha

Viriato, 2003
By Diogo Freitas do Amaral
Staging: Fraga

Aonde Está Você Agora, 2003
By Regina Antonnini
Staging: Claudio Hochman

Hamlet e Ofélia, 2003
By Carlos Alberto Machado
Staging: Joana Fartaria

António Marinheiro, 2003
By Bernardo Santareno
Staging: Luís Castro

Categoria 3.1, 2002
By Lars Norén
Staging: Álvaro Correia

La Mère, 2002
By Bertolt Brecht
Staging: Jacques Delcuvellerie

Infa 72, 2002
By Fernando Sousa
Staging: Mário Trigo

A Deriva dos Fragmentos, 2002
Written and Staged by Carlos J. Pessoa

As Regras da Atração, 2001
By Bret Easton Ellis
Staging: Manuel Wiborg

O Magnífico Reitor, 2001
By Diogo Freitas do Amaral
Staging: Fraga

Vida Breve, 2001
Based on “Vida Breve em Três Fotografias” by Bernardo Santareno
Staging: Lucinda Loureiro

After Hours, 2000
Collective Creation
Staging: Marcia Haufrecht

Eleanor, 1999
By Graça Corrêa
Staging: Graça Corrêa

Ácido Azul, 1999
Based on “Danny and The Deep Blue Sea” by John Patrick Shanley
Staging: Luís Castro

Romeu e Julieta, 1999
By William Shakespeare
Staging: Jorge Fraga

Pecado, 1998
Based on “O Pecado de João Agonia” by Bernardo Santareno
Staging: Luís Castro

A Queda do Egoísta Johann Fatzer, 1998
By Bertolt Brecht and Heine Muller
Staging: Jorge Silva Melo

Cerimonial Para Um Massacre, 1996/97
By Jorge Lima Alves
Staging: Ávila Costa

Ninguém Está Virgem, 1994/95
Creation and Staging by António Feio

Insultos, 1993/94
By Peter Handke
Staging: Fernanda Lapa


Sempre – Inquietação, 2024
Coyote VadIo, RTP

A Espia – T2, 2023
Eealização: João Maia e Laura Seixas
Ukbar Filmes, RTP1

O Clube, 2023
TV series
Santa Rita Filmes, OPTO

O aplaudido dramaturgo curado pelas pílula de pink, 2023
TV series
Marginal Filmes, RTP

A Filha, 2023
TV series
Maria & Mayer, TVI

The Blacklist, 2020
TV Series, NBC

Evil, 2019
TV Series, CBS

Jessica Jones, 2019
Series, Netflix

Teorias da Conspiração, 2019
TV Series, RTP

A Teia, 2018
TV Series, TVI

Person of Interest, 2015
TV Series, CBS

A Única Mulher, 2015
Soap Opera, TVI

Pan Am, 2012
TV Series, ABC

One Life to Live, 2011
TV Series, ABC

Voo Direto, 2010
TV Series, RTP

Cidade Despida, 2010
TV Series, RTP

37, 2010
TV Series, TVI

Equador, 2008
TV Series, TVI

Liberdade 21, 2008
TV Series, RTP

O Dia do Regicídio, 2007
TV Series, RTP

O Último Tesouro, 2007
TV Series, RTP

Anjo Selvagem, 2002
Soap Opera, TVI

Os Bastidores, 2001
TV Series, RTP

Os Jornalistas, 1999
TV Series, SIC

Esquadra de Polícia, 1999
TV Series, RTP

Em Actualização





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